News — style
Taurus season has entered the group chat, and we’ve got you covered with 15 hand-picked gifts for this pleasure-chasing earth sign.
Biossance Bluboho CrownFlora Style TaurusGiftGuide

As the zodiac sign that sits comfortably in the middle of the spring season, they’ll surely get a kick out of anything that connects them with nature and shows off the bucolic beauty of the world — just don’t ask famously chilled out (read: lounge-loving) Taurus to do *too* much at once. And don’t forget to make your gift beautiful — sensuous Taureans are all about aesthetic, after all. Hook them up with a bountiful bouquet of fresh-cut flowers from Toronto’s Crown Flora or a pair of floral Crocs that will make tending the garden a moment rather than a...
The Most Iconic Oscars Looks Ever, As Chosen By FASHION Editor
BillyPorter GemmaChan HalleBerry LaurenHutton Style

s The 2021 Oscars are right around the corner and while the ceremony will look different this year because of the ongoing pandemic, there will still be a scaled-back red carpet (because who couldn’t use a little fashion fantasy right now?). In anticipation of the April 25 ceremony, FASHION Magazine editors chose their picks for the best Oscars dresses ever. Read on for why these unforgettable Oscars looks will go down in history. Cher in Bob Mackie (1986) Photography via Getty Images And the award for Fashion Revenge goes to…Cher! The Bob Mackie creation might not be so shocking today,...
This partnership is between Responsival and The Rebel Chick, but all opinions are my own.

Oh, summertime is coming! If you aren’t familiar with me or The Rebel Chick blog, then you may not know this…but I am a total summertime chick! I don’t mind the heat or humidity, in fact, I actually LOVE IT! Saturday brunches with the girls, long lazy days on the beach, Sunday Funday with my flavor of the week – summer is just perfect for just about anything I like to do, and my clothing, shoes and jewelry wardrobe reflects that! I thought that I would share my 5 Summer Fashion Staples For Miami for those of you who...
A fun little evening DIY project: making a place to hang my old faithful cowboy hat

Enjoy! #make #DIY #style Subscribe to Simple Little Life: ...
If, like all of team FASHION (and the rest of the world it seems), you watched the Schitt’s Creek finale last night, then you’ll immediately recall the sure-to-be-iconic look that Moira Rose wore for David and Patrick’s wedding
Actress AnaSorys BTS Canadian CatherineO CatherineOHara CBC Crown Fashion Hair Halo Icon Legend MoiraRose NetFlix POPtv Schitt SchittsCreek SeasonFinale SelfPortrait Style Wig WigStyling WigStylist

Sweeping through the town hall donning a Met Gala-worthy get-up and a knee-length wig, the moment felt like the ultimate culmination of Catherine O’Hara’s character. I audibly gasped when the doors opened, a fact I unashamedly tell Ana Sorys, the lead hairstylist on Schitt’s Creek who was responsible for this moment as I called to speak with her about the look. As it turns out, O’Hara was involved in the ideation of the hair. “When the script first came out, Catherine and I were talking about what she might look like for that [moment], what her hair might look like. We...