News — Bluboho
Taurus season has entered the group chat, and we’ve got you covered with 15 hand-picked gifts for this pleasure-chasing earth sign.
Biossance Bluboho CrownFlora Style TaurusGiftGuide

As the zodiac sign that sits comfortably in the middle of the spring season, they’ll surely get a kick out of anything that connects them with nature and shows off the bucolic beauty of the world — just don’t ask famously chilled out (read: lounge-loving) Taurus to do *too* much at once. And don’t forget to make your gift beautiful — sensuous Taureans are all about aesthetic, after all. Hook them up with a bountiful bouquet of fresh-cut flowers from Toronto’s Crown Flora or a pair of floral Crocs that will make tending the garden a moment rather than a...