News — Arts
The Grace of Teffi

The following serves as the foreword to Other Worlds: Peasants, Pilgrims, Spirits, Saints, a newly translated selection of the Russian writer Teffi’s stories, which was published earlier this week by New York Review Books. Teffi. Photo courtesy of New York Review Books. There are writers who muddy their own water, to make it seem deeper. Teffi could not be more different: the water is entirely transparent, yet the bottom is barely visible. —Georgy Adamovich It is not unusual for a writer to be pigeonholed, but few great writers have suffered from this more than Teffi. Several of her finest works...
Remarkable Photographs Capture The Late 1970s Subway System And Its Straphanger

s Hispanic Man with Hat: Glamorous Young Woman with Fur Collar 31 Days of Gems: As part of our monthlong Dear NYC series, we're looking at historic New York City items hidden away at the New York Public Library. [ more › ] #Arts-Entertainment