News — Humor
Welcome to the Apocalypse. The Coronapocalypse. Now take a left turn at Albuquerque. While we are rocking our way to the end of the world, many people are thinking about dating. Why? Because we are alone. And boy don’t I know that. Aside from...
EndOfTheWorld Funny Humor RulesForDating Satire

If you have read through all of my dating advice up to this point, you know I am completely serious all the time. Strike that. Some of the time. Or maybe 10 percent of the time. Around that. This means you may or may not have thrown away all of my dating advice in the past. Well, I’m here to tell you now. If you are going to start dating during the Coronapocalypse then it’s time to throw out any dating rule book completely. Even those rule books which are totally serious and patently ridiculous at the same time. Because...