News — EasterSweets
When I first saw this Easter sweet from Málaga called nazareno, which literally translates as nazarean, my first thought was: hot cross buns! Their look is very similar, so I wonder if they are influenced by each other (maybe a traveler that brought...
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A few differences are that, in the nazareno, the raisins are soaked in Málaga‘s sweet wine, and it also incorporates candied fruit and walnuts. As for the cross –characteristic on both of them–, the recipes vary: some use flour and water while some are icing sugar based. However, my very favorite is the cream cheese frosting. So the recipe I’m bringing you today is the Málaga‘s nazareno with the less-malagueña cream cheese cross. In my opinion, the best of both worlds! Nazareno hot cross bun. The word nazareno alludes to the men that carry the religious images that process through...