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Here Are 30 Things That Were Supposed To Be The Next Big Thing, But Ended Up Forgotten, As Shared By People Online
10The 11The 12Mini 13This 14The 15Windows 16What 17McDonald 18Dip 19Xbox 1Not 20Asbestos 21Lazer 22The 23Amazon 24QR 25At 26hat 27Elizabeth 28HD 29The 2The 30Hydrogen 3Google 42020 5Airship 6Google 73D 8The 9Hoverboards Flopped OnlineCommunity RememberingThingsThatFlopped Technology ThingsThatFailed

While it’s fun to guess and debate what the next big thing will be, regardless of whether it’s technology, political or social situations, or any other aspect, it’s much more fun to take a look at the things people said would be the next big thing that never did. Reddit has recently been discussing just that—all of the things that people thought would be huge, but that most of us have now forgotten (or didn’t even know) about. The online community’s user u/LineOfDeath (very appropriate given the question) asked people “What was supposed to be ‘The Next Big Thing’, but...