News — SocialJustice
We’ve all done it — looked into the eyes of these people trying to find something, anything that would be an identifying mark; a glitch
1 2 3 Equality Humanity Politics SocialJustice Trumpism

Other than a slightly-overconfident and crazed look, like they get it and we don’t, they seem like the people we grew up with; sat next to in church; those nameless faces you recognize when dropping a child off a soccer practice — hey there, how’s it going? Today, they show up everywhere donning gear that offends. You avoid them in stores because they are maskless. They think Donald Trump is a god. They think that Democrats run a child-molesting cabal and a massive, convoluted conspiracy is hell bent on enslaving all of us. They love you if the president...
Many of the faces were already familiar.
Election2020 FeaturedContent Insurrection SocialJustice StormingOfTheCapitol

We saw them in real-time, smashing Capitol building windows, scaling walls, and parading through the halls of Congress, beaming with self-satisfaction. We could see their every emotion as they desecrated monuments, urinated on carpets, and sat behind lawmaker’s offices as if winning something they had fought so very hard for; a treasure they had valiantly won after a long and brutal struggle. We saw their faces because they wanted us to. This was not an insurrection, it was a live-streamed social media white fantasy. They’d chosen their costumes with great care: some ridiculous American caveman cosplay or a patriotic Pinterest...