Quail Egg Snowmen
Christmas Holiday HolidayFoodIdeas Kids Recipes
They’re just sooo cute! Do you have a snowy Christmas where you’re at? Ours has melted and turned to slush…still hoping for fresh, snowman makin’ snow this weekend Have you ever tried quail eggs? I’ve been reading a lot about them recently, and it turns out they are super nutrient-rich little things! I once had a neighbor who fed her 3 dogs quail eggs daily, and swore that the eggs were helping her older dogs with a full range of health issues. Definitely worth looking into if you have a furry friend who needs a boost. Look for quail eggs...
It's taken me exactly forty days to finally write this little story down, but maybe today is just the day I was meant to share it with you.
BestOfPPP HeroPost RandomRamblings Uncategorized
Since it's Christmas, and we all love Christmas memories, perhaps this is simply the perfect space. On my birthday back in November, I did a kind of crazy thing. For my 45th birthday I challenged myself (again!) to a crazy “walking” day. I walk pretty regularly, and on a good day can easily get in 15-20,000 steps, especially in the summertime. In fact, on my 40th birthday I managed to hit a whopping 40,000 steps in one day (which felt a little crazy, but not totally bizarre at 40 years old.) It may sound silly, but for someone who's kind of...
Cap Off the Year with a Quick Knitting Project
HatKnittingPatterns QuickKnittingPatterns SlipStitches
I think it’s a good idea to end the year by finishing a project. If you don’t already have something you need to finish, maybe you should cast on a project now that you can still finish by the end … Read More... #QuickKnittingPatterns #HatKnittingPatterns #*AllGeneralPosts* #SlipStitches
Holiday gift ideas - and some of my favorite products of 2020
I know this is a little late in the holiday shopping season, but some people have asked me to list out my favorite newer products and give them some suggestions to add to their gift list this year. The following list includes my favorite photography equipment which range from very inexpensive accessories to more expensive cameras and lenses. I have put shopping links for each item so that you can go right to B&H Photo to order if you want. I hope this helps you find something good for family, friends or yourself. Canon R5 and R6 Mirrorless Cameras Price:...
This is my stop during the blog tour for The Haunting of Gallagher Hotel by K.T
BookReviews BookTours HopsAndGiveaways Lola
Rose. The Haunting of Gallagher Hotel is a new standalone supernatural horror book. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 1 till 15 December. See the tour schedule here. The Haunting of Gallagher Hotel By K.T. Rose Genre: Supernatural Horror Age category: Adult Release Date: 4 November 2020 Blurb: Pride and greed infect the soul, anchoring the dead to Gallagher Hotel. When Chris, a master thief, and Riley, a contract waitress, get mysterious invites to an exclusive party at the haunted Gallagher Hotel, they discover that there is more at play than simple...