Winter Running Tips + Weekending + FIRST DAY!

(leggings, jacket, headband, shoes)

1500 ft of climbing with friends in freezing wind… isn’t that how everyone wants to spend their Saturday morning?!

I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Our resort opened for the first day, and we had to be there for it.

Sundance was bought by a new company, and they made a lot of improvements, including a new high-speed lift. We were huge fans of the changes we have experienced so far!
Beck napped and hung out at my parent’s house while we skied, and it was so good to catch up with them afterward.
Not the prettiest picture, but Brooke always craves mac and cheese after a ski day. I made this recipe, and it was so good. Next time I’ll add the breadcrumbs (we were out).
Add the Valencia Marathon to my marathon bucket list. WOW, amazing performances yesterday.

Runners don’t hibernate (unless you want to, that is perfectly great, and if you love the treadmill… you know I’m on board with that)! I thought I would share my winter running tips with you if you want to get out there…

(Don’t take my advice on how to keep your ankles warm because I struggle with that…)

*There are definitely places that get a lot more snow than we do, but overall, I’ve done a lot of snow running during my years living in Utah, and trail shoes have always done the trick for me. The extra traction on the bottom is just what I need to stay upright.

*If it is too icy out (and especially if you are trying to do speed), the treadmill is an amazing tool to save you from falling. Between my dad’s fall on ice that resulted in him being in the hospital and then a dark room for a month to recover and my bad fall on the ice ten years ago, I don’t risk running on bad ice. On days when there is a chance there might be ice while going over or under bridges etc. –> I stop (even if it is mid-workout) and walk; I don’t want to fall. The treadmill will give you just what you need on days like this, in my opinion.

*Indoor tracks are fantastic too! If you have one close by, they make it possible to get in some speed during bad conditions.

*Handwarmers save my life on really bad days. And then when I get home, one of my kids will want to take them to school, so it’s like we get 2 or 3 uses for one pair:). Also, Bombas and Smartwool are two of my favorite winter socks for running and skiing.

*Invest in good gear. I can get away with cheap gear for summer running, but for winter, I like to have some nice pieces and then wash them often so I don’t have to buy a lot of nice pieces. There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad running gear;). (***Unless it is way too slick or too cold for our lungs, jump on the treadmill). Each day I’ll link to all my layers/gloves etc., and share the temperature if that helps you with ideas of how to dress.

*This tip from Erin on gear! I need to get some of them.

*Do a warm-up inside before you head out—squats, lunges, jogging around the room, a core workout, etc. Getting warm inside makes it easier for me to go outside, and bonus… some of those things will activate your glutes too. I used to run a mile on the treadmill before heading out to get warm.

*I know I shared this a few weeks ago but had to share it again! We need more fuel for cold runs. I think this is going to help a lot of us doing long training runs through the winter to feel so much better.

*Give yourself some grace. Your paces might be slower on frigid days… Maybe because you are avoiding slipping, maybe because your body is working overtime to keep warm, maybe because you have four layers on, or maybe because it is windier and darker than ideal conditions. You are training in the winter, which is fantastic. Your spring races will show off all of your hard work.

*Remember that it will take time for your body to adapt.

*I notice the weather affecting my mood this time of year, but I know if I can get in a run (outdoors or on the treadmill), my entire day will go better. I’ll feel so much better if I do. It’s worth it.

*I love it if I can arrange a day or two every now and then where I run in the midday instead of the morning. Getting some of that sunlight makes a world of difference to me.

*If it is snowing while you are running, wear a hat to keep it from getting in your eyes (one of my biggest pet peeves). Throw on an ear warmer over your hat or get this hat that I’m obsessed with that is 2 in 1.

*This is random, but I am feeling more motivated in the winter to strength train than in the summer because I know it will warm me up after a run. I’ll come in from a run shivering, then a few minutes into strength training, and I am burning up! I also remind myself when I don’t want to do strength that, extra core strength (and muscles in general) will help me if I am ever in a position where I am slipping and sliding.

*I find there is always way less ice on top of dirt, so get out on the trails when you can.

*Don’t think; just do. When your alarm goes off, don’t think about how it will feel outside. Just go into autopilot mode and get dressed, and head out before your brain has a chance to tell you that you are being ridiculous for running in freezing temps.

I would love to hear your winter running tips!

What are your winters typically like where you live?

Who raced this weekend?! Tell me all about it!

Favorite ‘kid’ food?

-Mac and cheese and also chicken tenders/fries.

The post Winter Running Tips + Weekending + FIRST DAY! first appeared on The Hungry Runner Girl.

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