News — reading
RHYS BOWEN: Has anybody managed to stay calm during the past couple of weeks? I know I haven’t
20 Election Journaling Pandemic Reading StayingCalm

My nerves have been ready to snap at any point. I’ve tried to stay away from news and social media but then I am sucked in again and the anxiety rises. Usually I write this Monday post a week ahead, giving my fellow Reds time to chime in. But how could I say anything when we were holding our breath? Now I'm breathing again but it was touch and go, wasn't it? We walk every morning at the ponds by the San Francisco Bay--lovely and calm start to the day! I looked at my phone on the way back from...
A lazy day
BobbinCase Reading Serger VintageChristmas

A lazy day Are you watching the free BluPrint videos? I got hooked. I went through the list of quilting ones and there are loads that I'd like to watch. I may just have to get a subscription for a year and then watch them all. I have a quilt on the long arm that I wanted to custom quilt. It's my own and it's small. I've been meaning to get it quilted for years. I've not been inspired or perhaps afraid to do anything with it. I did some stitch in the ditch the other day and I'm not...
Just a Bunch of Pictures of Dogs and Books
6months allthebooks allthebooksoct19 alwaysreading amediting amreading aussiereaders autumn ayeshaatlast b baileyboyreads bannedbooks bannedbooksweek bannedbooksweek2019 BarkingAboutBooks barkpost Berkley BerkleyBooks bestwoof bibliomania bibliophile blackandwhiteaustralianshepherd blackandwhitedogs blogger blogger_de bok bokblogg boktips book bookaddict bookaddicts bookaesthetic bookaholic bookblog bookclub bookclubs bookcommunity bookdog bookdragon bookfeaturepage bookgeek bookgram bookhaul bookish bookishfeatures bookishlove bookishproblems bookishthings booklife booklove booklover booklovers booknerd bookobsessed bookphoto bookphotography bookpile bookporn bookreader bookreview books booksandbeagles booksandbikerides booksanddogs booksanddogsarebetterthanpeople booksaremylife booksbooksbooks BookShark bookshelf booksinthefluff bookslump booksofinstagram bookstack bookstacks bookstafam bookstagram bookstagramit bookstagrammer bookstore booktography bookworm bookwormsunite bostonblogger bostonbloggers breastcancermonth breastcancersucks bubla2019 buch buchblog buchblogaward buchempfehlung censorshipleavesusinthedark chicagobookstagrammer cockapoo cockapoosofinstagram cockerspaniel coffeeandbooks coffeeholic contemporaryromance corgi corgipuppy corgis corgisofinstagram createexploreread currentlyreading cutedogs cutepets cutepuppy dachshund dachsundsofinstagram dailybarker dane danesofinstagram dcbooks diversebooks dog dogandbook dogblog dogblogger dogfollowforfollow doglife dogmodel dogoftheday dogs dogsandbooks dogsandcoffee dogsbeingbasic dogscanreadtoo dogsinbowties dogsofbookstagram dogsofinatagram dogsofinstagram dogsofpittsburgh dogsrule dogstagram dogswithbooks eleanoroliphant ellenratemydog englishcream englishcreamgolden englishcreamgoldenretriever englishcreampuppy englishcreamretriever fallbooks fallreading fiction finale followforfollowdogs followforfollowpets followme freedomtoread freshhaircut frostbeardshare funkopop gentlegiant germanblog germanbookstagram getlit giantbreed gloriousgolden gloriousgoldens goldengang goldenretriever goldenretrieverclub goldensofinsta goldensofinstagram goldensofpittsburgh goldensrule goodomens goodreads greatdane greatdanesofinstagram harlequin harlequindane helenphillips historicalromance horrorbooks horrorfan horrorweek igbooks igreads ilovebooks ilovedogs ilovereading inkareads instabook instabooks Instagram instagramdogs instagrampets instapup instaread ireadbannedbooks JasmineGuillory jrrtolkien l ladysadie latte legendary leseliebe lesen lesenmachtgl leseratte library librarybook librarybooks lifestyleblogger lifestylebloggernyc literature lotsofbooks lovebooks loveislove lovemydog lovemypet lovesallthebooks maximus mixedbreed mohawk moodreader muttsofinstagram normalpeoplebook novel nyc october octoberreads octobertbr onearthwerebrieflygorgeous onwednesdayswewearpink overthetop paranormalromance parrner pennywise perritopatrio19 perros petfollowforfollow Pets petsofinstagram petsonlybookclub photooftheday pinkbooks pinkbookstack pittsburghdog pittsburghpup plotthound poodle princecharming pug pugsofinstagram pupfluencer PuppiesAndPages puppiesofinstagram puppy PupsHeightInBooks pupsofpittsburgh rbcxhs read readandrelax readbannedbooks readerlife readersofinsta readersofinstagram reading readingaddict readingislife readingoutside readingstyles readingtime readingwithdogs readromance reesesbookclub rescuedog rescuemutt RiotRundownSubjectLinePost Romance romancebookstagram romancenovel romancereads romancestagram rottweiler RoyalHoliday sailorreads scarybooks septemberwrapup sharpobjects simonschuster speakingof speakingofblog speakingofbooks Sponsored spookyreads stacksofcoloroct19 starbucks starbuckslatte stephaniegarber stephenking stephenkingbooks storytime strandbookstore tattooedreader tattoostyle tbr tbrlist theescaperoombook theneed thesecretswekept TheWeddingDate TheWeddingDateSeries thinkpink thrillerreads toomanybookstoolittletime tordotcom trulydevious tunnelofbones victoriaschwab wilfsbookclub worldsmentalhealthday wrapup

That’s It, That’s the Post. On October 15, my fellow Book Riot contributor Abby Hargreaves published an ode to cats and books. Yes, we can all agree that adorable fuzzy felines paired with stacks of books is a winning combination. And society tells us that the Venn diagram of cat lovers and book lovers has a large area of overlap. But Abby, did you really need to hate on dogs to glorify cats and books? Sure, dogs need walks. But isn’t that the perfect opportunity to listen to an audiobook? And dogs are just as likely as cats to be...