News — NutritionForWomen
Put A Lock On Your Appetite With Barley
HealthyEating HealthyEatingForWomen NutritionForWomen

Curb your hunger, improve your blood sugar levels and lose weight with a 13,000-year-old fat-loss superfood. With cultivation in roughly 130 centuries and the fourth most commonly grown cereal grain today, barley is achieving the status of true superfood, all-too often a rank accorded to over-marketed, over-hyped, understudied foods fighting for supermarket shelf space. What It Does Based on research at Sweden’s Lund University, whole-grain barley reduces appetite and, within three days of daily ingestion, improves blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. As a result, not only can this ancient food help you lose weight by minimizing your between-meals snacking...
The Fit Woman’s Guide To Supplementation
NutritionForWomen Supplements SupplementsForWomen

Think some products are strictly for guys? Here’s what you need to know about 5 supplements you may have previously considered “off-limits.” Although you may not always realize it from the marketing campaigns, there’s more to a woman’s supplementation needs than a trusty thermogenic fat burner. Women don’t just want to lose weight — we want to shape our physiques and build a body we can be proud of. To accelerate that effort, there’s a “secret” most women don’t realize. Some of those products you find in the kitchen cabinets of a typical bodybuilding-obsessed male can help you, too. A...