News — Linux
Optimize and Monitor Your Linux System’s Performance With Stacer

As time passes by, operating systems tend to become sluggish if not updated and maintained properly. Although Linux devices perform slightly better when compared to Windows in the long run, minor degradation in performance of both the operating systems is inevitable. This is generally due to the accumulation of unwanted cache, startup programs, an excessive number of running processes, and junk files that you no longer need. While popular software like CCleaner solves these problems for Windows machines, Linux has its own counterparts for such operations. One such application is Stacer, the Linux system optimizer and application monitor. Installing Stacer on Linux Stacer is...
Installing software on Linux can be a mixed bag

On one hand, the experience can seem straightforward compared to what you find on Microsoft Windows. Much of the software you want is in your Linux distribution’s app store or package manager. But sometimes the app you want isn’t there or the provided version is out of date. That’s where Window’s dominant EXE format feels convenient—there are simply so many Linux package formats. Fortunately, most distros use either DEB or RPM. Here are eight sites to help you find apps in DEB or RPM format. 1. exists as a simple place to find and download the latest versions...