
The books I read

The books I read

I felt like a shut-in yesterday. I didn't leave the house. No that's not true - I took the girls for a walk a couple of times. I just didn't drive the car anywhere. That happens frequently at my house these days. I do drive to the gym - it's 4 KM away. I could walk, but then I'd just turn around and walk back so what's the point?Yes - we had snow, but nothing like was reported. I wonder - when people go to school to learn how to report the weather, are they told to make it seem...

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APIs Help FIs Keep Pace With B2B Clients Faster Payment Needs

APIs Help FIs Keep Pace With B2B Clients Faster Payment Needs

APIs are changing how banks serve their corporate customers, helping them become more competitive. Europes open banking regulations have forced financial institutions (FIs) to use APIs to open their data to FinTechs, which has resulted in many new services for businesses. Strong market demand is even compelling banks to adopt such practices in regions where open banking is not legally required. The technology grants ample benefits to all parties involved. Banks offer third-party providers APIs that can be used to develop services for mutual clients, for example, enabling FIs to offer wider arrays of solutions. APIs also allow business clients...

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This is why Poco hasnt launched a Snapdragon 865 or 855 phone yet

This is why Poco hasnt launched a Snapdragon 865 or 855 phone yet

Poco has officially launched its second smartphone to date and its not the Poco F2. You dont get a flagship killer without a flagship chipset. Instead, we got the Poco X2 at best a mid-range phone with some cool tricks up its sleeve. It comes with a 120Hz display and quad cameras under the $250 price tag, but it doesnt really cut it if you were waiting for a Pocophone F1 successor. We asked Pocos general manager Manmohan Chandolu why thats the case and one of the primary reasons he cited is a slight deviation in the traditional pricing structure...

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Warum Nikes neue Kollektion unser Mantra fr 2020 ist

Warum Nikes neue Kollektion unser Mantra fr 2020 ist

2020 ist nicht einfach nur der Start eines neuen Jahres. Es geht um mehr: Ein neues Jahrzehnt des Stils, der Kultur und der Musik beginnt. In 50 Jahren werden wir uns Fotos angucken und leise lcheln ber die Outfits, die wir berall getragen haben und das Album, das unsere Gefhlslage so perfekt ausgedrckt hat. Whrend sich Neujahrsvorstze schnell wie ein Test anfhlen, bei dem man nur versagen kann, spielen sich Neues-Jahrzehnt-Vorstze innerhalb einer Zeitspanne ab, die sich gleich viel machbarer anfhlt. Und in diesem Jahrzehnt wollen wir mutiger und kreativer sein, mehr Spa in unsere Kleiderschrnke integrieren und uns viel...

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SFR PicksWeek of Feb. 5

SFR PicksWeek of Feb. 5

V-DayZalma Lofton Gallery lends a loving handValentine's Day is coming, and there's nothing you or anyone can do to stop it. It's right behind you, actually, breathing heavily and placing its ice-cold tentacles on your shoulders as if to say "Don't fuck this up"And you won't, so long as you heed our advice and, instead of hitting up CVS in a panic to buy your person whatever Russell Stover nonsense is by the register, go local at Zalma Lofton Gallery. For the third year runnin', proprietor Alberto Zalma invites a trio of local artists to show alongside his own trademark...

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