Bunny Day is upon us and we only have a limited amount of time to craft all those festive items!
As you run around during this 12-day Bunny Day event, you're going to find several eggs hidden around your island. Along with these hidden eggs, you'll be able to find several Bunny Day recipes, which you can fashion into festive decorations and clothing. You can keep these items to decorate your island with, or you can sell them for a decent amount of Bells at Nook's Cranny. Here are all of the 41 Bunny Day recipes you can collect along with, where you find these recipes, how many eggs are needed to craft each of them, and how much the crafted Bunny Day items sell for.
Bunny Day runs from April 1 - April 12.
Where to find Bunny Day eggs How to get Bunny Day recipes All Bunny Day recipes Where to find Bunny Day eggs
There are six different types of eggs: Stone, Water, Wood, Sky, Leaf, and Earth eggs. Here's where you'll find them.
Earth eggs: Use a shovel to dig whenever you see a crack in the ground. You might just find an orange Earth egg. Leaf eggs: Sometimes you'll see green eggs in the canopy of trees. Shake the trees to make the Leaf eggs tumble down to the ground. Sky eggs: Whenever you see a multicolored balloon flying over your island, pull out your slingshot and shoot it down. You'll likely find a blue Sky egg this way. Stone eggs: Whenever you come upon a stone, hack away at it with your shovel or ax. You'll likely get a few yellow Stone eggs from doing this. Water eggs: Sometimes when you go fishing, you might just pull a purple Water egg out of the water instead of a fish. Wood eggs: Take your ax to a tree trunk in order to harvest these orange Wood eggs from your trees. How to find Bunny Day recipes
Zipper T. Bunny will give you your first Bunny Day recipe either in person if you met him on April 1st, or in the mail if you didn't happen to see him. After that, it's up to you to discover where the rest of the recipes are. You might find them after popping balloons, talking to your villagers, or finding washed up bottles on the beach. Keep an eye out for them. You can always sell duplicate recipes to Nook's Cranny if you find any.
All Bunny Day recipes
There are 41 Bunny Day recipes in total. If you gather enough eggs to craft all of these items, you'll get some festive furniture, decor, accessories, and clothing to truly decorate your island with.
Furniture, decor, and accessories Outfits Bunny Day furniture and decor
There are 20 Bunny Day recipes that result in creating furniture, decor, and accessories for your home or character. We've listed them in alphabetical order and included how much money you can get for selling them at Nook's Cranny.
Bunny Day Arch
Sells for: 4,800 Bells Earth egg x 2 Stone egg x 2 Leaf egg x 2 Wood egg x 2 Sky egg x 2 Water egg x 2
Bunny Day Bag
This recipe is given to you by villagers on your island.
Sells for: 2,400 Bells Earth egg x 1 Stone egg x 1 Leaf egg x 1 Wood egg x 1 Sky egg x 1 Water egg x 1
Bunny Day Bed
This recipe is given to you by Zipper T. Bunny.
Sells for: 2,400 Bells Earth egg x 1 Stone egg x 1 Leaf egg x 1 Wood egg x 1 Sky egg x 1 Water egg x 1
Bunny Day Crown
This recipe is given to you by your villagers.
Sells for: 2,400 Bells Earth egg x 1 Stone egg x 1 Leaf egg x 1 Wood egg x 1 Sky egg x 1 Water egg x 1
Bunny Day Fence
This recipe is found in Bunny Day message bottles and balloons.
Sells for: 2,400 Bells Earth egg x 1 Stone egg x 1 Leaf egg x 1 Wood egg x 1 Sky egg x 1 Water egg x 1
Bunny Day Festive Balloons
This recipe is found in Bunny Day message bottles or balloons.
Sells for: 1,200 Bells Stone egg x 1 Wood egg x 1 Water egg x 1
Bunny Day Flooring
This recipe is found in Bunny Day message bottles or balloons.
Sells for: 4,800 Bells Earth egg x 2 Stone egg x 2 Leaf egg x 2 Wood egg x 2 Sky egg x 2 Water egg x 2
Bunny Day Glowy Garland
This recipe is found in Bunny Day message bottles or balloon.
Sells for: 2,400 Bells Earth egg x 1 Stone egg x 1 Leaf egg x 1 Wood egg x 1 Sky egg x 1 Water egg x 1
Bunny Day Lamp
This recipe is found in a Bunny Day message bottle or balloon.
Sells for: 1,600 Bells Wood egg x 4
Bunny Day Merry Balloons
This recipe is found in Bunny Day message bottles and balloons.
Sells for: 1,200 Bells Earth egg x 1 Leaf egg x 1 Sky egg x 1
Bunny Day Rug
This recipe is found in Bunny Day message bottles and balloons.
Sells for: 2,400 Bells Earth egg x 1 Stone egg x 1 Leaf egg x 1 Wood egg x 1 Sky egg x 1 Water egg x 1
Bunny Day Stool
This recipe is found in a Bunny Day message bottle or balloon.
Sells for: 1,200 Bells Water egg x 3
Bunny Day Table
This recipe is found in a Bunny Day message bottle or balloon.
Sells for: 1,600 Bells Earth egg x 4
Bunny Day Vanity
This recipe is found in a Bunny Day message bottle or balloon.
Sells for: 1,600 Bells Leaf egg x 4
Bunny Day Wall
This recipe is found in a Bunny Day message bottle or balloon.
Sells for: 4,800 Bells Earth egg x 2 Stone egg x 2 Leaf egg x 2 Wood egg x 2 Sky egg x 2 Water egg x 2
Bunny Day Wall Clock
This recipe is found in a Bunny Day message bottle or balloon.
Sells for: 1,200 Bells Sky egg x 3
Bunny Day Wardrobe
This recipe is found in a Bunny Day message bottle or balloon.
Sells for: 1,600 Bells Stone egg x 4
Bunny Day Wreath
This recipe is found in a Bunny Day message bottle or balloon.
Sells for: 2,400 Bells Earth egg x 1 Stone egg x 1 Leaf egg x 1 Wood egg x 1 Sky egg x 1 Water egg x 1
Wobbling Zipper Toy
You get this recipe after crafting 18 different Bunny Day DIY recipes.
Sells for: 9,600 Bells Earth egg x 4 Stone egg x 4 Leaf egg x 4 Wood egg x 4 Sky egg x 4 Water egg x 4
Bunny Day Wand
You can only obtain this wand once you've crafted the Wobbling Zipper toy.
Sells for: Unknown Wobble Zipper toy x 1 Star Fragment x 3 Bunny Day outfits
There are 20 different Bunny Day clothing recipes which result in seven different oufits total. We've listed them in alphabetical order and included how many Bells you can get for selling them at Nook's Cranny.
Egg Party Outfit
Egg Party Hat
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 4,800 Bells Earth egg x 2 Stone egg x 2 Leaf egg x 2 Wood egg x 2 Sky egg x 2 Water egg x 2
Egg Party Dress
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 7,200 Bells Earth egg x 3 Stone egg x 3 Leaf egg x 3 Wood egg x 3 Sky egg x 3 Water egg x 3 Earth-egg Clothes
Earth-egg Shell
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 800 Bells Earth egg x 2
Earth-egg Outfit
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 1,200 Bells Earth egg x 3
Earth-egg Shoes
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 800 Bells Earth egg x 2 Leaf-egg Clothes
Leaf-egg Shell
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 800 Bells Leaf egg x 2
Leaf-egg Outfit
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 1,200 Bells Leaf egg x 3
Leaf-egg Shoes
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 800 Bells Leaf egg x 2 Sky-egg Clothes
Sky-egg Shell
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 800 Bells Sky egg x 2
Sky-egg Outfit
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 1,200 Bells Sky egg x 3
Sky-egg Shoes
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 800 Bells Sky egg x 2 Stone-egg Clothes
Stone-egg Shell
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 800 Bells Stone egg x 2
Stone-egg Outfit
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 1,200 Bells Sky egg x 3
Stone-egg Shoes
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 800 Bells Sky egg x 2 Water-egg Clothes
Water-egg Shell
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 800 Bells Water egg x 2
Water-egg Outfit
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 1,200 Bells Water egg x 3
Water-egg Shoes
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 800 Bells Water egg x 2 Wood-egg Clothes
Wood-egg Shell
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 800 Bells Wood egg x 2
Wood-egg Outfit
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 1,200 Bells Wood egg x 3
Wood-egg Shoes
Your character will eventually think up this DIY recipe while collecting eggs.
Sells for: 800 Bells Wood egg x 2 Get festive
You've only got a limited amount of time left to gather up those hidden eggs and fashion them into Bunny Day items. There are 37 Bunny Day recipes in total with several piecies of furniture, decor, and adorable outfits for you to craft. Good luck discovering recipes. I hope you're able to craft everything before Zipper T. Bunny shows up on your island on April 12.