This week in history Nov

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6, 1920: Elections held, teachers host Halloween party

This week in history as reported by The Summit County Journal the week of Nov. 6, 1920.

Summit County Democrats take some victories amid Republican landslide

Last Tuesday’s election held many surprises for all political prophets, and while the state and nation went in a great Republican landslide, the Democratic Party in Summit County was able to elect a candidate to superintendent of schools, an office held the past four years by Republicans, and coroner, which has been held the last two years by Republican L. C. Owens.

For commissioners, Republicans Andrew Lindstrom and Henry Recen won out.

News gleaned from local election boards

Seventy certificates of registration were sent by mail to absent voters.
At Precinct 1 the counting judges were all women. They were through counting and on their way home before midnight.
At Precinct 2 the judges were all men. It was 6 a.m. on Wednesday when they finished counting and turned in their ballot boxes.
Some ballots were not folded in the creases as given out, but folded on a plan of their own and too bulky to easily slip into the ballot box’s opening. It was necessary for a judge to lay them facedown and refold on the original creases.
One ballot had “I vote for Harding and Coolidge” written on it and then had the Democratic candidates (Cox and Roosevelt) marked.

Teachers entertain pupils at Hallowe’en party

On Friday morning, Oct. 29, a very enjoyable half hour was spent by the teachers of the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades.

Miss Patton, the teacher of the fifth and sixth grades, invited Miss Spencer and the seventh and eighth grades down to hear the program which a number of pupils of both rooms had prepared.

Fay DeBarneure and Evelyn Bradley acted out a very droll and amusing dialog, “How the Census Was Taken,” with Fay making an ideal census taker with her stovepipe hat and Evelyn playing a wash-woman. James Paden read several interesting stories and Howard Daub told a very good story. A very smart recitation of “The Wind and the Moon” was given by Veryle Terrell. The last selection of the program was a story read by Greta Rhoads and written by Phoebe Roberts titled “A Narrow Escape.”

Everyone said it was a very good entertainment and it was with reluctance that the seventh and eighth graders returned to their room.

Later that evening Miss Spencer and Miss Patton entertained about 50 pupils at the schoolhouse for a Halloween party, for which all guests were asked to wear masks.

The whole affair was very ghost-like, especially at the entrance. Only one guest was allowed to enter at a time and each was led down a very dark hall by a “ghost.” Many obstacles had been placed in their path and a good deal of stumbling occurred. After they had reached the end of the hall, they were led to a person sitting in a very dark corner, where they were supposed to kiss the sitter’s hand. Just as they knelt on the rug in front of the person, the rug was suddenly lifted — many bumps were had but all the guests, being very good-natured, took it as part of the fun.

Several tubs were filled with water to bob for apples and a long cord was stretched across the room with apples tied to it. Anyone who could pull an apple off the cord with their mouth could keep it.

A peanut hunt was greeted with much approval by all the guests and there was a great deal of scrambling while hunting them.

Among the many objects used in amusing the guests was a pan partly filled with flour, in which pennies had been hidden. Guests would hunt in the flour with their mouths trying to find the pennies. A great deal of coughing and choking always followed.

Clifton Oakley drew a donkey on the blackboard and the pupils played draw the tail on the donkey. Leona DeBarneure won a small prize for drawing the tail most accurately.

A great many characters were impersonated, among them were ghosts, clowns, farmers, cowboys and flowergirls.

Local news notes from all around Summit County

T. B. Thompson was thrown from a horse at his ranch a couple of weeks ago and was taken to a Denver hospital this week. He has evidently received serious internal injuries and his condition is considered critical.
Miss Mildred Mumford of Dillon and Ray Hill of Breckenridge were united in marriage on Wednesday by Judge Fall. The couple will make their home in Breckenridge.
Walter Lund delivered another load of spuds to town Wednesday.
The Blue River ranchmen who have been riding cattle on the Dillon range report they are still about 200-300 head short of the amount placed on the range last spring. It is thought that a considerable portion of these are over in South Park country, having drifted over the passes during the summer.
D. F. Miner returned from California on Tuesday, arriving in time to cast a ballot in the general election.
The second annual Armistice Day Ball will be hosted by Blue Valley Post No. 17 of the American Legion at the G.A.R. Hall in Breckenridge. Legion members will attend in uniform, a turkey supper will be provided by the Denver Hotel Cafe and Wagner’s five-piece orchestra will provide music. Admission is $1.50, spectators will be allowed in for 50 cents.

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