These painted rocks are ready to party! With the warmer weather here and the snow (finally) melted away, I tend to think about more crafts that use objects from nature. Painted rocks are lots of fun for kids of all ages to do, and these party rocks couldn’t be simpler. Do they look familiar? I still had these rocks on hand from these painted rock babies from a few years ago and I saw them in my craft stash and realized they would look so cute with party hats on, just like this party pumpkin garland! These rock babies are all grown up and ready to dance the night away!
what you need: Rocks Acrylic Paint Paintbrushes Googly eyes Hot glue gun Felt Mini pom poms Scissors Black permanent marker how-to: Step 1
Cover your work surface with scrap paper or cardboard and decide what color you’d like to paint each rock – it’s nice to keep in mind what color of felt and pom poms you’ll use later! Give the rocks a coat of paint, let dry, and repeat until they’re covered nicely. Let dry completely. Step 2
While the rocks dry, it’s time to make your mini party hats. Cut a circle out of felt and then cut it in half. Roll the semicircle into a cone shape, and trim the felt as needed. Hold this up to your rock – is it a good fit? If not, trim and adjust until you’re happy with it. If your rocks are vastly different sizes, you may need to make a differently sized hat for each one, but for the rocks pictured I just made the hats all the same size. Step 3
Apply a tiny line of hot glue along the edge of the felt semicircle and carefully press it together into a cone shape, holding until securely attached. Step 4
Apply another tiny dab of hot glue to the point of the hat and attach a mini pom pom on top. Step 5
Once the rocks are dry, glue two googly eyes on and use a black permanent marker to draw on a little mouth. Step 6
Stick the felt hats onto the tops of the rocks using hot glue. Happy crafting! #PartyCrafts #PaintedRocks #DIYProjects #Paint