It’s getting down to the wire and we don’t know about you, but our kids have multiple Halloween events to attend. If you need some inspiration, or just want to mix things up and show some NYC pride at a gathering, we’ve got ideas. Read on to consider our favorite New York City-inspired costumes for 2019, which have just the right amount of NYC attitude. PS: Don’t miss these Halloween-related events for kids throughout October, and if you’re looking for the best places to trick-or-treat in NYC, these are our picks!
photo: photo: Ashley Bailey King Kong Tableau
Have a few trick or treaters you need to outfit? A trio of the Empire State Building, King Kong and damsel in distress (or not) is a formidable ensemble. This particular iteration is the work of Ashley Bailey, the inspired Atlanta area photographer and mom behind the site "Stellaween." The month-long celebration of October's biggest day started with Bailey dressing and documenting daughter Stella in a new homemade costume each day, with a pair of twins joining in a few years ago. (You can see Bailey's shots of other people's kids at her site, September Morn Photography.)
photo: T. Tseng via Flickr The Vessel
Another architecturally-inspired idea, we're not gonna lie: we have no idea how to go about executing this, but surely someone as creative and crafty as you could do it. Right?
photo: Juhan Sonin via Flickr Ghostbuster and Slimer
Genius sibling idea! We can't think of a way to pull off Slimer without actually buying the costume, but a brown jumpsuit, a backpack, some hose and a DIY Ghostbusters patch would be pretty easy and totally read. Go for a family costume and incorporate another 'buster or two, the Stay-Puft Marshmallow man, etc.
photo: Anthony Quintano via Flickr Fearless Girl
Even though it involves some potentially messy bronze face makeup and maybe spraypainting some clothes, we think this might be our favorite for this year, because, well, who knows?! We bet you know a fearless girl or two who could rock this costume hard. Bonus points if you do a family theme with other members taking on the roles of the Charging Bull, a tourist, stock trader, etc.
photo: photo: Ashley Bailey New York's Finest
We don't mean any disrespect. Of course cops don't sit around eating donuts. But how cute is this costume? NYPD for the win!
photo: photo: Ashley Bailey Hipster
Another costume idea that's open to a lot of interpretation, the Hispter is a little more subtle. This is Bailey's take on it, and we think the mustache solution she came up with is genius.
photo: photo: istolethetv via Flickr Subway Car
A costume that's always a big hit at the annual dog costume parades, an MTA train car is a quintessential NYC choice for Halloween. Nice touches include personalizing with your neighborhood's main line, or with your child's initial. (Yes, there can be an "H" or "T" train.) Or, go really high concept and do the L train shutdown, featuring companion costumes of ferries and distressed hipsters.
photo: East Midtown Partnership Statue of Liberty
Another costume that's simple, easy, instantly recognizable, and can be worn with absolutely anything underneath. An aqua-colored sheet, foam crown and torch and you're done.
photo: photo: Wonderlane via Flickr One of the many ferries
Another transit-inspired costume, because we New Yorkers like to get around. Ferries aren't new to NYC, of course, but it's been yet another big ferry year for the city. Pick your line, and craft a vessel to show your kids seaworthy spirit!
photo: Ashley Bailey Sesame Street
Why pick one character from the Street when you can be all of them and the Street itself?
photo: photo: Alejandro Mallea via Flickr Times Square Elmo
Another, more subversive take on the Sesame Street crowd, the Times Square Elmo is easy to achieve. You just need an Elmo costume that looks a little...wrong. Thrift stores are filled with Elmo costumes that have seen better days. Give your child a five dollar bill and a bad attitude and you're all set.
photo: photo: Liana Kyle via Flickr NYC Taxi
It's iconic, and has the added bonus of being one of those costumes you can wear anything with. (Alternate versions: go old school and do a checker cab, or show some outer borough pride and go green!)
photo: photo: Inga Musinger Cotton via Flickr iPhone
OK, obviously this is not a costume applicable to NYC alone, but we're going to claim it because A.) New Yorkers have to be some of the most phone-dependent beings and B.) this costume is so cute, easy, and a dream to get around.
photo: nrkbeta Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
We're betting at least one kid in the Bronx or Queens steps out in this. (If you see them, please send photos.) A hard sell? Maybe. But maybe not—AOC is pretty inspiring. A nice companion to Fearless Girl, this is super easy to pull together (especially if your kid has long dark hair). Still, some bright red lipstick, a House of Representatives Seal or Green New Deal material, and you're good to go.
photo: photo: Diego Lopez Roman via Flickr Naked Cowboy
Easy. Hilarious. Cute. What more could you ask for? Obviously an indoor costume only, this one is perfect for your diaper-wearing tot. Just scrawl "Naked Cowboy" on his (or her) butt, throw on some kiddie cowboy boots, a hat and ukulele and call it a night.
— Mimi O’Connor
NYC Halloween Events and Activities for Kids
NYC’s Best Neighborhoods for Trick-or-Treating
Fall Day Trips You Still Have Time to Take
#NycHalloweenCostumeIdeas #Nyc-feed #ThingsToDo #Stellaween #Ny-feed