Miss Cellania’s Links

Ten Curious Cases of Getting Lost in the Wilderness.

Their Conservative Boss Said “Take Off Your Mask Or You Can Go Home.” Now They’re Getting Sick.

Thanksgiving Dinner Candy Corn comes in the flavors of turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, green beans, and sweet potato. (via Boing Boing)

Love in the Time of Ice Cream Sundaes. Read the story of the teenagers who lived in a cave, which was really just the beginning of their adventures, part one and part two. (via Strange Company)

Should We Conserve Parasites? (via Damn Interesting)

How To Vote In The 2020 Election. A state-by-state guide to voting in the age of COVID-19.

Flimsy plastic knives, a single microwave, and empty popcorn bags: How 50 inmates inside a Michigan prison prepared a feast to celebrate the life of George Floyd. (via Nag on the Lake)

The Curious Case of the King Who Almost Lost His Country After His Hat Fell Off.

Coronavirus Cases Drop 46% In Parts Of South Carolina With Mask Mandates Compared To Areas Without. (via Fark

A blast from the past (2011): 10 Crocheted Science Fiction Figures.
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