The BODi (formerly Beachbody) Success Club trip is an annual incentive trip that BODi Partners/Coaches can earn every year. This trip is a reward that I look forward to earning and attending every year!
2023 Success Club Trip Recap: Riviera Maya

I just returned from the 2023 BODi Success Club trip in Riviera Maya, Mexico (near Cancun)! This time I brought my husband Mike as my guest and we enjoyed some much needed time together away from our 3 small kids! Mike and I would never book a trip like this on our own – we usually prefer to be pretty active and don’t stay at resorts, BUT….it’s really nice to be “forced” to relax.
BODi Success Club Trip Hotel – Hard Rock Riviera Maya or Unico
There were two hotel options for the Success Club Trip in 2022 – the Hard Rock Hotel (were the main events took place) and a smaller, boutique 5 star resort called Unico. we stayed at the Hard Rock Riviera Maya in 2021, so we opted to pay a little extra each quarter to stay at Unico in 5 star luxury. Although we did have to shuttle to Hard Rock for the main events, it was definitely worth it!
At Unico, we had an individual concierge and there were perks like 24/7 incredible room service, turn down service, our own custom pillow (if we wanted), 2 sun hats (to take home if desired), and a jacuzzi tub with bath salts on our balcony!!
At both Unico and Hard Rock, all the amenities, drinks & food is included – including the spa!!! I enjoyed a 50 minute massage and only had to pay the service fee.
Unico’s food was very good for an all inclusive. We enjoyed the Italian restaurant the first night before the opening party, the steak restaurant as a date night (I had the filet mignon) on night 2, and the catering at the Elite party on night 3. On night 4, we opted to head over to Hard Rock and ate the buffet at the final party, which was pretty good too (There was even lobster). One food highlight was the chips and guac, margaritas and burrito I had at the pool side restaurant! I would have preferred if there were more vegetable and salad options …but that’s personal preference and harder to get in Mexico.
Workouts With BODI Super Trainers

Every morning on the BODI Success Club Trip there is an opportunity to workout with one of the BODi Super Trainers! On my trip Amoila Cesar, Autumn Calabrese, Lacee Green and Elise Joan led workouts. On day 2, my husband Mike even got to go up on stage with Amoila for a set of pushups and burpees! Before every workout there were blended Energize (pre workout) drinks and afterward a Shakeology drink! All included! I finished every workout feeling SO good even despite all the drinks

Team Run the World Coach Bonding
This year there were 8 women in total from Team Run the World on the trip- Libby, Jen, Tara, Rachel, Annie, Stephanie (and her guest, a coach on her team named Heidi), Tracy and myself. (You can learn more about everyone and hear our stories & highlight from the trip by following our team Instagram account!).
Everyone brought their spouse besides Stephanie and Tracy also brought her 5 kids with her!! There were other coaches who earned the trip but couldn’t come this year for various reasons. It was so fun to connect with the coaches in real life – we see each other on Zoom calls and in group chats but in person is a whole different experience where we get to know people at an even deeper level.

Some of the highlights from the time spent together as a team were our team run around the resort after our super trainer workout with Amoila Cesar. After that, we got breakfast together & then spent the day at the pool. That afternoon we did the escape room that is on the Hard Rock property & WE ESCAPED! It was really fun!!!

Another highlight with the team was the final night party (neon theme!). We got together in a bar on the resort first and took a round of shots. Tracy brought all 5 kids!!! Then we headed to the party and danced the night away – Jen’s husband kept ordering shots (the alcohol is very diluted thankfully) from our helpful server. At the end of the night’s the sky lit up in fireworks and I had this feeling of peace and happiness as I looked around at the community that we’ve created on Team Run the World. I truly cannot wait for next year!!!

BODi Elite Success Club Party

Another highlight of this trip is the Elite & Premiere party that BODi puts on for the top coaches – those who have achieved the milestone of Premiere or Elite in the previous year. In 2023, I finished as the number 28 Elite coach! As an Elite coach, we also get special VIP check in and gifts (a cute beach bag, a hat, water bottle, sunscreen, etc this year) at every event which is a nice perk!
The party was incredible. It was special to be in community with the other top leaders (we all get along and collaborate so a lot of us are friends!). The decor was beautiful and the food was great! There was a special Tequila tasting booth set up and they were making ice cream for us! Amoila Cesar, Lacee Green, Elise Joan and Autumn Calabrese were there, chatting and hanging out with us. Our CEO Carl Daikeler and all the executives were there too.
After the party, we hung out in the hotel bar and then made our way to the hotel club – it was a blast and truly feels good to let loose! Not often that a mom of 3 gets to do that!!!
When and Where is the 2024 BODi Success Club Trip?
The 2024 BODi Partner Success Club Trip will take place at the Hard Rock Hotel in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
There are 2 dates for the 2024 Success Club Trip:
Coconut Wave: March 10 – March 14, 2024
Pineapple Wave: March 14 – March 18, 2024
In 2022, the Beachbody Success Club trip was in Punta Cana and it was GREAT! Although I didn’t love how long my travel day was to get there, I loved the beach there and I personally felt like the resort was much better than the Riviera Maya Hard Rock. The rooms are gorgeous and large and the beach is pristine. The water is warm, the waves aren’t too big and there’s plenty of room on the beach for everyone to lounge and enjoy the day.
How Do You Qualify for & Earn a BODi Success Club Trip?
How to Get an Invite to Register for the 2024 BODi Success Club Trip
The BODi Success Club trip is a reward trip that opens to coaches based on their previous years Success Club point (aka sales) performance. It is also open to new coaches based on their first year performance. Basically, the more people you help with a Total Solution Pack, the more likely you are to earn an invite to the trip.
Invites for the 2024 BODi Success Club trip went out to Elite partners on April 10, 2023. Invites from the Opt In List will start to go out April 24th when the leaderboard goes life.
To get an invite to the 2024 BODi Success Club Trip , you must put your name on the opt-in list here.
According to BODI, “if an invitation is received, you will have the option to accept any wave and room type that is currently available on a first-come, first-served basis. Partners who have not met the minimum number of Success Club points required by the invite date will NOT receive an invitation.”
How Do New BODi Partners Earn an Invite to the Success Club Trip?
New Coach Invitation Pool
“The New Coach Invitation Pool includes the new Coaches who enrolled in their first Coach business center from December 1, 2022 – November 30, 2023, and who have joined the opt-in list. It will be updated on or around the second Friday of each month, and the last update will be in December 2023. As vacancies open throughout the year (due to cancellations), invitations will be sent on a quarterly basis to those on the opt-in list who have also earned the minimum Success Club Points. Being in the invitation pool does not guarantee an invitation—Coaches must also meet the Success Club point requirements and spaces on the trip must be available.” Source: BODi Success Club Trip website.
How Do I Earn Trip Dollars to Pay for Your Trip*

When you register, you’ll pay a $300 deposit. From there, you can earn the remainder of your trip by earning success club points. Your points will either count for $5 or $10 depending on whether or not you achieve Success Club in that month. All success points earned in January 2023 counted for double trip dollars.
Important: to KEEP you invite, you must also meet the quarterly success club point requirements. (A total of 16 success club points must be earned YTD by September 30th to keep your spot).
To earn the Tier 1 rooms fully paid, you’ll need to earn $1500 trip dollars, or the equivalent of 12.5 success club points per month (this doesn’t take into account the double trip dollars in January). Any amount that you do not earn through trip dollars, you’ll pay for. So you can earn the trip fully paid for, OR you can earn it partially paid for. If you choose a room that is in Tier 2 or 3 (suites for example) , you’ll have to pay for the cost above $1,500. I personally think the Tier 1 rooms are great and there’s no need to upgrade !
To read all the details about how to earn the 2024 BODi Success Club Trip, please refer to FAQ 2422.
Team Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings for the most recent information on the actual incomes of all our Coaches.
Is It Worth It to Attend the BODi Success Club Trip!?
That is up to you and how much you love travel, but I personally think YES!!! My first success club trip was a cruise in 2019 (something I wouldn’t normally book on my own) and I was SO glad I got the childcare and paid for my flight to go. I had the earned enough trip dollars for the trip, but it was still a big deal to attend. I was so glad I did & immediately put my name back on the opt in list for the 2020 trip!!!
How to Be a Successful BODi Coach
Do you want to learn how to become a successful BODi coach? Do you want training & support from an upline who has experience?
I’d love for you to join Team Run the World and be your BODi mentor! I have been. coach for 7 years and our team has been a top ranked team for the last 3 (#19 in 2021, #28 in 2021 and currently ranked #32 as of March 2023) . While our team is full of runners, we have non runners as well who have had success & love our supportive & ambitious team vibe.
I love helping new coaches have success & work toward earning an income that is meaningful to them! I’d love for you to be on the trip with us next year!!! To learn more about Team Run The World, my mentorship and how you can become a BODi Partner, please fill out this form & I will email you info!
Our BODi Basics Bootcamp training is a mix of self paced learning and 1:1 and small group mentorship!
*Team Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings for the most recent information on the actual incomes of all our Coaches.
The post How to Earn the BODi Partner Success Club Trip (And What Happens On One!) appeared first on Fitness Fatale.