WAFFLES: Hey Boss! Do you think Glogirly's hat will fit me? I want to be a cowgirl too!
KATIE: You can't be a cowgirl, Waffles.
WAFFLES: But Glogirly says I can be whatever I want to be.
KATIE: You mean like, annoying?
WAFFLES: NO, Boss. I want to be a cowgirl.
KATIE: Well those boots are never going to fit.
WAFFLES: Whaddya mean, Boss? My cowgirl fetch toy fits just fine inside it.
KATIE: Waffles, you do realize you're a boy. And a CAT. Right?
WAFFLES: Nope, I'm a cowgirl. Just like Glogirly.
Glogirly's Murder Mystery Adventure Glogirly met up with our friends and neighbors in the historic, little western town of Gold Hill, Colorado. The Gold Hill Inn hosts a murder mystery dinner. The mystery was set in 1936 and the dinner guests were invited to dress up in the same era.
Everyone had so much fun putting together their outfits. Glogirly went as a western gunslinger. She's thinking of making her boots and hat a regular part of her Colorado wardrobe.
Though she and her mystery team only got one of the two murders solved correctly, everyone had a blast. When the dinner was over, they gathered at the saloon next door for some live music, then hung out by the fireplace telling ghost stories, eating snacks, and enjoying some adult beverages.
They all stayed the night at the Bluebird Lodge & Gold Hill Inn. Rumor has it, it's haunted, but Glogirly never had any ghostly encounters.
Gloman couldn't make it to Colorado for the mystery weekend, so Glogirly went with our dear friend, Cesar. He lives in the canyon is the fire mitigation expert that helped us make our property safe last year.
And since we know you're wondering... the maid did it!
Top: Glogirly and Cesar Middle: Mark, Tina, Jodie (one of Waffles' girlfriends), and her husband, Bob. Bottom: The actors! #GLOGIRLY-TailsOfACatAndHerGirl